Selection of Texas Ted's artwork through the years.
Prints on 8 x 10 inch Kodak paper, suitable for framing, are available for $10 each. Additional sizes may be requested
by emailng us at Note cards of each will soon be available for $20 for a set of 10 note cards
and envelopes. All proceeds from the sale of these items will go towards the medical, living, and other expenses for
this veteran and others at Clyde Cosper Texas State Veteran's Home. As our long-term goals, we hope to use
proceeds to purchase a multi-seat van for the veteran's facility.
"Boats in Texas Gulf" - 2006
"Where's My Woman!" - 2006
"Mountain Waterfall" - 1988
"Texas Ted" - - The Artist's Gallery . .
Prints and Note Cards Available for Purchase . . .
"Crucifixion at Golgatha - Version 1" - 2006
"After the Mountain Rain" - Truckee, Nevada
"Communion Cup" - Easter 2006
"Crucifixion at Golgatha" Version 3 - June 2006
COME BACK AGAIN TO OUR WEBSITE . . . Please check back on our web site from time to time as additional artwork is added!
A copy of the painting at left was
sent to the Pope in Rome as a
gift from the artist. Ted received
a Papal Blessing (shown above)
for his birthday in December,
2006, from Benedict XVI. A letter
from the Papal Nuncio to his
daughter, Patricia, imparts his
blessing and good wishes to Ted
after the Pope finally received the
painting this year.
Ted said he had a dream prior
to Easter 2006, where he believes
he experienced the moment of the
death of Jesus on the hill at
Golgatha -- he described it as
similar to his own experiences of
battle during the Battle of Leyte
Gulf and woke up wanting to
immediately try to capture the
dramatic images on paper, then
later-- canvas. Since then,
many religious leaders-- and
people of every faith-- have
been drawn to this unique and
explosive portrayal of the death
of Jesus. Notecards are now
available for use as a unique
and artistic Easter greeting to
remind us of the sacrifice
that won our salvation.
"Texas Twister" - 2006 (Cowboy flees from a prairie tornado)